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01 May 2009

On the Road Again... Genealogy style...

Mark & I seem to spend so much time on the road, speaking, researching and sometimes just getting away. Mostly it seems to be for some sort of research or speaking.

Tomorrow I'm doing a three hour seminar at the Flatriver Library in Greenville, Michigan. A nice leisurly drive across the state.

I will be presenting two of my most popular talks, Chasing Your Elusive Ancestor on the Internet and Researching There When You Are Here... Both having to do with using the computer to do genealogy when your ancestors are in places other than where you are living.

Very few of us are lucky enough to live in the area where our ancestors once lived, and its probably a good thing for my family! I can't imagine being able to just hop in my car and in 15 minutes be able to walk the cemetery of my ancestors... Lordy, no housework would ever be done. We'd have some serious issues with laundry being done as well.

In 11 days I am off to Ft Wayne with the Dearborn Genealogical Society - my to do list for this trip is mostly done. I didn't get it all completed when I was there last time. I got sidetracked with a book I found on an older cemetery in the area I grew up in. Imagine that! My ancestors living in the area I grew up and I didn't even know it! Of course I wasn't into genealogy at the time either!

In 21 days Mark & I are off on another great adventure, this time for 11 days. We're headed down to Elkhart County, Indiana for some obituary searching & of course some headstone photography as well. We'll stop in and see my sister in Kentucky and then wander into Nashville for a few days. The Tennessee State Library & Archives is located in Nashville so I hope to do some newspaper work & find some death certificates during my visit there. We also hope to make time for dinner with some good friends who moved down to Tennessee a few years ago! Being a big fan of country music I also hope to do some site seeing and relaxing as well! After Nashville we are headed back north into Ohio for a few days of researching there as well. Don't know that I will ever totally exhaust all the resources for researching in Ohio.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be talking alot about the trip, my preperations - both research & personal for the trip. Our son is coming to sit with the dog, Spike and watch the house. Personally I think he's coming for the 92 inch screen that we call tv... or possibly the well stocked pantry... either way its nice to know he'll be here.

Just can't wait to get on the road again.....

If you are a librarian or a program chair for a society and are interested in any of the talks mentioned here either leave a comment or email me and I'll get back to you!

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