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12 September 2011

Amanuensis Monday - Bloss Miltenberger Letter (1849)

      I bought this letter off Ebay a few years ago. I've decided to put alot of the old wills ect that I have up on my blog in hopes that it will help other researchers. This letter is from Wm. R.Bloss who was living in Preble County, Ohio to his cousin Miss E.M. Miltenberger who was living in Warren County, Ohio. The letter is in excellant condition with no rips or stains and is gently folded. You can still see the marks where it was sealed with a wax seal.
     If you click on the image of the letter it will open a larger image in a new window. Use your browsers back button to return to GFOM. I've offered MY translation of the letter below the letter image. I've typed it exactly as I see it, no corrections to grammar, spelling or punctuation. If you are a Bloss or Miltenberger descendant I'd love to hear from you!

                                                                   Preble County  August 14, 1849
Dear Cousin
     I take my pen in heart to drop you a few lines to let you know that we are numberd among the living and part of us enjoy a tolerable degree of health at present part of us not so well we have all had measles that lasted some five or eight weeks but we have all got over them. some of have bin sick since we have bin over the measels  I have bin sick for some time But am getting about again
  Franklin has bin quite sick ever since last wednesday nite but is some beter to day he has bin siting up most of the time so I think we will all get along again I think if the Lord be wiling, he is the only true physician.
    The health is jeneraly tolerable good in the neighbohood to what it has bin the cholery has abated to a conderable degree  Buisness is reviving again in our town we are going to have a two days meeting at Antioch commencing next Saturday a week  I want to see some of you over here then  I have bin looking for you over all summer you wrote that you was a going to come over and stay with us part of the summer  I kept looking But all in vain     Cousin Matida I want to see you over here soon if you cant come I want you to write me a word or two and let me know you all are  I haven't heard from you since you wrote that leter to Clarissa and tell me if you are married or not no more at present hoping whe thiss comes to hand that it may find you enjoying good health
   Give our best respects to all the friends write as soon as this comes to hand if you arnt coming rite away  I remain your most afectionate cousin until death
   /s/  Wm R. Bloss                       E.M. Miltenberger

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