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17 January 2013

Best Laid Plans...

Some days it seems no matter how hard I try to sit and work on genealogy it just doesn't happen!  I had planned out the entire week,  lots of time to sit and do data entry, work on my scanner images, do some transcribing, some cropping, some linking.  Alas, it was not meant to be.

As much as I hate it, sometimes life gets in the way.  Little things like making body butter (something I've been wanting to try but never really got around to until yesterday!), organizing and straightening the pantry,  putting together menu's for the month of Feb.(which is quickly approaching), then toss in things like delivering auto show tickets to a couple of the Ford Plants on the other side of town, Ortho appointments (decision time for braces removal) and of course making time for lunch with my best genealogy buddy! 

The three grandsons all ended up here last night as well, with everyone having home made pizza for dinner.  Bedlam, but the sound of the boys laughing and enjoying being with each other and being here at our home sure makes up for the craziness.  They won't be little forever and soon (much sooner than I care to think) I'm sure girlfriends and such will intervene so I'll just enjoy them while I can!

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