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27 January 2010


Today's letter is the letter "B".

The word I chose to use for the letter "B" is BOLD..

Bold - don't be afraid to ask questions of anyone you might run across who has your surname. Questions like:

  • Do you have a source for that?
  • Do you have any primary documentation - death certificates, marriage records etc?
  • Do you have any photographs you might share with me?
  • Can you tell me how you came to this conclusion?
  • What is your relationship to this person?
  • Do you own any of the family heirlooms that you might photograph for me?
  • Do you know where the family bible is? Do you have it?

By being bold you might be surprised at the answers you get. After all what's the worst that can happen? So they don't answer or say no. You just pack it up and move on. No biggie. You don't need to be rude or nasty, but with sources you should be cautious.

So take a step out there and be BOLD, after all you might be surprised at what's available just because you asked a few simple questions!

Happy Researching!


1 comment:

Kathy said...

It is good to be reminded of this! I have gotten some wonderful things from cousins found online!