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20 January 2010


Tonight I am speaking at the St. Clair Shores Public Library - the topic of choice - STUMBLE!

What? I can hear you all asking what does STUMBLE have to do with genealogy? Well actually it has alot to do with genealogy.

Of course I don't want to give away the entire talk here but STUMBLE is all about formating a plan for your research & then working the plan.

Alot of people research rather haphazardly with no plan or even roadmap for the research they are going to do. Some people do rather well with that sort of work. I personally need a plan - I need some idea of how I am going to go about this. What am I looking for? Where am I looking? Using the STUMBLE plan I do have the tools I need to be successful in my research - and my pedigree charts prove me out.

I'm going to drag this out over the next few days so you'll have to stay with me. Each day we'll cover a "step" in the STUMBLE PLAN. So today lets kick it off with this bit of information from my desktop dictionary -

STUMBLE: 1.)to blunder morally 2.)to trip when running or walking 3.)to walk unsteadily 4.) to happen by chance.

I'll let you ponder on those & we'll get into the first step in STUMBLE - the letter "S", tomorrow.

Happy Researching!

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