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14 December 2010

My Favorite Time Of The Year...

Its my favorite time of the year! Well, yes, I do enjoy Christmas but I also like this time of year because I get to research for me!

I'm done speaking until early January, so my days now are spent working on my projects. I've got a couple going actually. The first is a source modification project I've been working on a few hours at a time. After reseaching for a while you start to wonder about how some things you did, and eventually modifications come into play.

The second project is going thru two books that I bought from my friend Wayne. Wayne has to be without a doubt the best when it comes to scanning and "cleaning up" old documents. And lucky me, we happen to research in the same counties. The primary one being Montgomery County, Ohio. His work in preserving the old records is just phenominal. Two of his books of scanned images are here, the first being Montgomery County, Ohio Marriage Book A-1 1803-1827, and the second being Montgomery County Ohio Wills, Administrations & Estates 1803-1918. I'm working my way thru the marriage book now, and adding tons of dates & places to my files. I hope to get started on the will book, adding much to my to do list I'm sure!

Finally I'm typing the obits & estates I pulled at the Garst a few weeks ago. Lots of scanning of all the probate files I pulled and typing of all the obituaries. With 193 copies made it will take a while. 

With all the parties done, the baking (completed today), now comes the time for me to do some serious work in my files.  I do enjoy the Christmas season but having down time to just work on my files - that makes it even better.  I'm temporarily at the dining room table so I can enjoy the Christmas tree and the beautiful snowy landscape outside my picture window. 

 Now if you'll excuse me that marriage book is calling....

Happy Researching!


research said...


Is there a way to find out more about Montgomery Co, Ohio records? I'm searching for Rhea family who lived there after the 1920 census but think they remained there in the area of Dayton. Any helpful hints?

Karen K said...

Most records for Montgomery County are stored at the Archives & Record Center at the Reibold Building downtown. IF you can visit that is the hot spot for records. The online Montgomery County list is full of great volunteers with lots of information, you might try posting a query there. Wayne's books are available on line, and he has many, if you email me off the blog I can point you to his website. Depending on exactly what you need I may have a book or two that might help as well. My email is Karen AT miprofgenie DOT com...