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19 July 2012

A Rat In The Hat...

Rat in Hair Saved Decatur Woman's Life
  Miss Amelia Niblick Painfully Burned About Head and Hands 

 Decatur, Ind - Jan. 1 That Miss Amelia Niblick escaped from serious burns with her life, is probably due to the fact that she wore a "rat" in her hair. At about 12:45 today, Miss Niblic, at the old Niblick Homestead on First Street, was shaking down the coal in the hard coal burner. The lower door was open and the gasses that had accumulated suddenly burst forth in explosion and enveloped her head in flames. Her sister, Miss Mary, happened to be in the room at the time and with great presence of mind, she grabbed a large rug and threw it over her sister, extingguishing the flames. The front part of her hair was completely bured as were her forehead, her cheeks and hands. The "rat" in the hair, is thought to have deadened the effects of the flames at a vital point, thus saving her life. The burns are quite deep and very painful, though she will recover.

 **Fort Wayne(Indiana)Journal-Gazette, 2 JAN 1910

1 comment:

Mrs. Mac said...

OK .. I really was 'grabbed' by the title (LOL) .. what a story to have lived through.