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04 March 2015

Wedding Wednesday - The Smith's, Brown's & Garland's of Danville, Illinois

There's nothing I find more sad than to see actual family history documents lost.  And today's items are truly lost.  I'm sure they have ties to Michigan, but I'm also sure someone out there must be missing these.  The papers have roots in Danville, Illinois, but somehow ended up in Pontiac, Michigan.  I'm hoping someone will read this and help me find the family that these belong to. 

I have three (3) pages, they have been laminated - although not by me.  These were found by a good friend of ours.  They were found in the home they bought.  As they were cleaning a very high shelf, these papers came fluttering down.  If you click on the images they will open in a new window. 

 The above image is a marriage record between Charles F. Brown & Clara E. Smith,
both of Danville, Illinois.  The date on this certificate is 17 JULY 1912.  Written on the back of this one are the words, "Dorothy Brown's (Garland) mother and real  father's marriage certificate.

 The above marriage certificate is between Bernard C. Smith (?), piece on end of name is missing.
His bride is Luella Belle Jones.  The marriage took place in Danville, Illinois on 24 DEC 1885.
The back of this has, "Dorothy Louise Brown's (Garland) Grandmothers marriage certificate. Clara Smith (Jennings Brown) mother.  Also notes this was Clara's second marriage?

Finally,  this birth register shows births for 7 persons, Caroline Belle Smith, Mary Bernice Smith, Walter Roy Smith, Clara E. Smith, Bernice E. Smith and Paul Edwin Smith.  There are dates for each birth except for Mary Bernice Smith.  The back of this has the words, "births of Grandma Garlands - Dorothy Louise Brown family on mother's side."

I'd really like to see these in the hands of family members again.  Can you help?  If this is your family, I'll be happy to send them to you.  Contact me via this blog and I'll get them to you.  Sure hope these can go HOME to the family they belong with. 

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