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28 June 2010

Relatively Speaking - Monday Madness

Okay, Its Monday and this week I'm running with Monday Madness. What's with all the ancestors using the same names over & over? I mean isn't anyone original anymore?

Looking at my Johnson's - Do I really need five Isreal Johnson's to contend with? Isn't one enough? Seriously the Johnson thing is bad enough, but add in Isreal... you get the picture. And then lets toss in the fact that there are even some Isreal Johnson's in the state of Georgia that aren't part of that particular line at all. I guess they just decided that they liked the name or something?

And what's with the Ligon's down in Virginia with the name William Ligon? So every family has a William and that William of course has a son William who also has a son William... and with a little luck they could all three be alive & living in the same county at the same time!

Just in case you think the females are safe forget it. Can't we be more original than Elizabeth, Eliza, Sarah, Sally & Susan.

Next time a relative of mine gives birth, I think I'll suggest something like Oscar or Ophelia...

Today Anne is up at Relatively Speaking - you can check her out over at Gene Notes. She always has something up her sleeve. Stop by for a read!

Happy Researching!


Jennifer Holik said...

I'm in the same boat you are Karen! My Italians and Czechs named everyone the same too and after a little time researching I have to walk away before I lose my mind! LOL! My hubby and I at least named our children none of those repeating names. I'm hopeful our descendants who research us will appreciate that.

Have a great day!

Lori H said...

Oh, I am soo with you, girl! William and John and Samuel. I love it when I find something unusual like Elkanah!

Éire Historian said...

Amen Karen! Just like you and Jen and Lori. I've certainly had my fill of the same name game. Too many named Thomas, Patrick, Michael, Mary and Kathleen. I felt like throwing a party when I found an Alicia. Cheers! Jennifer